Thursday, January 29, 2009

WOW!!! 12 + inches of snow within the last two days!!! No school for the girls and today they are on a 2 hour delay! UGH~

It's so pretty out though! Yestday John and I got out for a bit and got stuck at the end of out subdivision! **Okay to hear John tell it ... I GOT US STUCK!** I'm too used to driving a Jeep and the saab doesn't sit nearly as tall as the Jeep. LOL!

Oh well we got out and can go now :-) He's off to work today and I will be heading out shortly!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wow it's cold here again!

I haven't been here in so long I don't know where to begin...

Well a few days before Christmas the Jeep aka Jeepidy(as my daughter Renee calls it) decided to die.. LOL! We knew this was coming but still a pain!

But I got me a new to me car on December 26th. This car is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice and fun to drive!

It's a 1997 Saab 9000 Turbo CSE. Smooth ride great drive and does quite well in the snow and filth. There are only a few things that need to be fixed. Like the washer fluid bottle for the windshield wipers....

What a PITA to not have fluid in the land of salt on the roads!

I have been doing a bit of sewing lately. I really needed to make me a new purse and I did last night..

So here are some pictures....